621 Live Oak St

Property feature image
Address: 621 Live Oak St, Freeport, FL 32439, USA
Created date: May 16, 2024
Date last updated: July 10, 2024
  • Value Add - 4 of 6 leases are on month to month leases at below market rates
  • Gross Rents are $63,300; Annual expenses $10,891: Net Operating Income $52,409
  • 10% CAP RATE

Property Description

Magnolia Court is a well established mobile home park in Choctaw Beach that has been around since the mid 1990's. This quiet neighborhood is home to 6 individual mobile homes that enjoy a peaceful setting near the Choctawhatchee Bay. Each 2 bedroom home enjoys its own fenced-in yards, vinyl siding and wooden decks. Additionally, each home has been upgraded with metal roofs and an upgraded septic system. A central driveway with 3 homes on each side creates an easy access point for all tenants involved. DO NOT BOTHER THE EXISTING TENANTS. Call me for additional details.

Key Property Information

Listing Status: Available
Listing Type: Call for offers
Property Types: Apartment Buildings
Price: $525,000
No. of Units: 6
Year Built: 1995
Lot Size: 0.69 Sq ft
Opportunity Zone: No
Price per unit: $87,500
Property Website Click Here
Address: 621 Live Oak St, Freeport, FL 32439, USA
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