1410 Ponderosa Street

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Address: 1410 Ponderosa St, Canyon, TX 79015, USA
Created date: February 27, 2024
Date last updated: July 16, 2024

Property Description

Ponderosa Apartments is a24-unit, partially renovatedmultifamily community located inCanyon in Randall County, Texas.Built in 1978 and situated on .68acres, the property is improvedwith a single two-story apartmentbuilding with brick siding and flatroofs.Ponderosa Apartments offersopen and spacious one-bedroomunits featuring full kitchensequipped with white appliances,formica countertops, fauxhardwood flooring, updatedcabinetry, spacious bedrooms, andnew paint. Ample open surfaceparking is provided.Can also be purchased with Parkview, Peppertree/four seasons for a total of 94 doors.

Key Property Information

Listing Status: Available
Listing Type: Call for offers
Property Types: Apartment Buildings
Price: $1,050,000
Year Built: 1978
Opportunity Zone: No
Property Website Click Here
Number of Bedrooms: 0
Number of Bathrooms: 0
Address: 1410 Ponderosa Street, Canyon, TX 79015, USA
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