Georgie Christensen-Riley

Georgie Christensen-Riley
Georgie Christensen-Riley

Company: Marcus & Millichap
Regions: Oregon
Phone number: 5032002058
Business address: 111 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1950, OR, 97204
Operating locations:
Portland, OR, USA
Listings: 1
Specialities: Appraisals | Buyer | Consulting | Investment Sales | Seller | Transaction
Associations: CREW
Property Expertise:
Languages: English


The Christensen Group is uniquely focused in helping investors who own or seek to own apartments in Oregon, Washington and Northern California through brokerage, financing and advisory services.

Realizing the demand for yield created through value-add opportunities, the Christensen Group specializes in workforce housing investments located in secondary and tertiary markets.

It takes a tailored approach to ensure that sellers fully realize the value of their investments in markets where data can be hard to procure. The Christensen Group is uniquely positioned to market this asset class and understands the nuances specific to buying, selling, and managing value-add, workforce housing transactions in markets that may otherwise be overlooked. Christensen Group brings clients hard to find deals and helps sellers of c-class apartments maximize on proceeds.

Georgie Christensen-Riley Properties

Sheridan Plaza

Albany , Oregon
Seattle & Northwest + Apartment Buildings
Units: 33
Price: $4,900,000
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